Develop and test a land information and land monitoring system for the Grand Duchy of Luxembourg

The LIS-L project had the objective to develop and test a land information and land monitoring system for the Grand Duchy of Luxembourg, which gives access to summary land use and land cover statistics for different aggregated grid resolutions and/or reporting units, such as municipalities or districts.

The project involves an update and revision of the 2007 OBS (Occupation Biophysique du Sol) database, originally with 78 land use and land cover classes, for the reference year of 2015 and the introduction of a new land monitoring concept, i.e. the separate mapping of 7 land cover and >50 land use classes. The mapping is based on 1m VHR satellite images (Pleiades) and intra-annual time-series of SPOT5-Take 5 images, applying a Minimum Mapping Unit of 50m2 (25m2 in case of built-up areas).

Our tasks
  • Knowledge transfer from the LISA project
  • Support the information system and database design
  • Adopting the EAGLE concept
  • Support the database implementation and validation tool
More Info
Develop and test a land information and land monitoring system for the Grand Duchy of Luxembourg